
Talks on Urban Diplomacy - Dr. Peter Kurz, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Mannheim

Die Stadt Manneim ist eine Vorreiterin beim Thema Urban Diplomacy und dem internationalen Engagement von Städten. Am Rande des Hauptausschusses des Deutschen Städtetags 2023 konnte ich den Oberbürgermeister Mannheims, Dr. Peter Kurz, zu seinen aktuellen Forderungen, der Bedeutung von Urban Diplomacy für Mannheim und sein eigenes Engagement zum Thema befragen. Nach Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook ist dies ist der zweite Talk on Urban Diplomacy.


English summary of the interview below.

At the 2023 Conference of the German Association of Cities I could discuss with the Lord Mayor of the City of Mannheim, Dr. Peter Kurz, his perspectives on Urban Diplomcy. He argues for a change of national policy involving all political spheres and especially cities closer into foreign policy. Cities would need a seat at the table, when policies are drafted or international negotations are taking place.


Mannheim is very proud of its international relations and cooperation on so many different levels and topics. It reflects also the global community of Mannheim citizens. The topics of climate change, migration, democracy and economic development are of imprtance to everybody. The city is also part of the Urban Diplomacy Exchange with UK, organized by Engagement Global on behalf of the German Foreign Ministry and in cooperation with the German Association of Cities.


Personally, Peter Kurz would like to further engage and strengthen the role of cities in Urban Diplomacy. Cities have the power, to offer solutions for the future.

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